Sunday, September 5, 2010


WELL I have been in Paris for one week now, and I figured it would be a good time for a Blog Revival (hallelujah!) in case anyone's interested in the exciting story of me being slightly lost and confused in a foreign country. So here you have it - marvel as I eat bread with every single meal (true), gasp in shock as I forget to properly set my alarm clock and miss my first orientation class (also true). Sit riveted in suspense as I try to figure out where the post office is (it's around here somewhere, I know I've seen it).

The family I'm staying with is lovely and very friendly. They have a large dog named Rimbaud who has hilarious, gigantic dog-lips the way dogs do sometimes, and who likes to sit his head on the furniture. Sometimes when I pet him he smashes his face into my torso exactly the way Nessie used to, though he's probably ten times her size.

Lorraine, who is my host mother, (which is a suspiciously detached title if you ask me, and I avoid it) is a professor who talks exactly like a professor. This is something that kind of freaked me out before I found out what her job was, because without that information it was just as if she was always trying to inform me of something very important, and there was an odd quality to her voice that kept making me feel like I needed to pay close attention. But that all made sense once I figured it out - teachers and future teachers take note: once you become a teacher, you never stop being one. We can tell, you know.

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