Thursday, October 28, 2010

related to rain:

Slightly related to my last post, in which I mention that I miss rain. This is maybe kind of weird, but I really do love rain. There are not a lot of climatic differences between France and the US, but the lack of proper rainstorms is one of them. And even when it does rain, the lack of grass and leaves for the rain to bounce off of, not to mention the fact that I'm four floors above the ground, leaves it a little unsatisfying.

With that in mind, here are internet noisemakers that sound like rain! (a half-hour loop, with some thunder)

Nature Sounds, which is what it sounds like - not just rain but other things ranging from the pleasant (ocean) to the slightly suspicious (children laughing) to the inexplicable (Darth Vader??), so you can combine them however you want. I recommend adding a loon, because loon sounds are just fantastic.

I've never actually seen a loon. Where do they live? I'd like to live somewhere with a loon. I hear that some people find that sound creepy, but I'm quite fond of it.

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