Friday, October 15, 2010

various things


- slept extremely late.

- bought my fencing glove.

- sent my resume to a dude teaching English at a private high school. I'm hoping he'll maybe give me a job as a tutor so I can be a functional member of this society I'm only vaguely part of.

- ate cheese bread in the park, watched ducks/geese/pigeons/one swan/one strange little white bird. Was caught off-guard by the progression of fall, which is indistinguishable outside of contained Nature Zones.

- was unable to remember my dreams except for frequent and vague flashes. If these are to be trusted, the dream took place partly in my quartier and partly in a metro station, involved a large crowd of people (some of whom were smiling creepily) and an avocado, and was generally unsettling.

- went through my huge unsorted bookmark file trying to decide what I actually needed in there. If you know me on facebook, you may notice me posting a lot of unrelated links in the next few days, this is because I want to get these out of my bookmarks but don't want it to go away entirely/feel I need to show it to people.

Related: here are some things.

This is something I found last year in my digital media class, and which I like a lot. You can put in places you want to go, and it will show them with a satellite image and cycle through all the places that have ever been submitted. Two of these are mine.

Also, I kind of want to do this. What do you think?

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